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Frequently Asked Questions

Commercial Insurance

What is a commercial insurance broker software?

A commercial insurance broker software is a specialised platform designed to help insurance brokers manage their business operations efficiently. Our flagship product Agiliux Commercial, broking software solutions helps digitising end-to-end operations for Direct and Reinsurance brokers and features various state of the art modules like client management, policy management, quoting, claims processing, and reporting. Our software streamlines workflows, enhances communication with clients and insurance companies, and helps brokers stay organised and compliant with regulation.

How can commercial Insurance broker software benefit my business?

Commercial insurance broker software can benefit your business by streamlining operations, improving client management, and enhancing efficiency. With automated policy management, quick quoting, and streamlined claims processing, it saves time and resources while delivering better service. You can benefit from valuable insights through data analysis and regulatory compliant reporting fostering a data-driven decision making. Ultimately, it empowers businesses to operate effectively, increase productivity, and drive growth in a competitive market.

What features should I look for in a commercial insurance broker software?

  • An optimum commercial insurance broker software should boast the following features.
  • Robust client and policy management tools
  • Streamlined quoting and underwriting processes
  • Integrated claims processing
  • Comprehensive reporting and analytics
  • Compliance management features
  • Scalability and customisation options
  • User-friendly interfaces and mobile compatibility
  • Reliable customer support
  • Stringent data security measures

Can commercial insurance broker software help me streamline my client management processes?

Yes, commercial insurance broker software can significantly streamline client management processes. Our software offers tools to organise client information, track communication history, and manage policies efficiently. With features like centralised client databases, automated notifications, and customisable communication templates, the software enables brokers to provide personalised service, maintain strong client relationships, and ensure timely follow-ups, ultimately enhancing client satisfaction and retention.

Is commercial insurance broker software customisable to my specific business needs?

Yes, our commercial broking software provides offers customisation options to accommodate specific business needs. We can tailor the software to match your workflow preferences and adjust settings for quotations, underwriting, claims processes and integration with core systems as well as external partners. These facilities allow brokers to adapt to industry changes and address unique customer requirements while optimising efficiency and ensuring the software aligns closely with their business operations.

How does commercial insurance broker software handle policy management and renewals?

Our commercial insurance broker software automates policy management and renewals by centralising policy information, tracking renewal dates, and sending automated reminders to clients and brokers. It streamlines the renewal process by providing quick access to policy details, generating renewal requests and tracking status enabling brokers to communicate with clients effectively. Through automated workflows and customisable notifications, the software ensures timely renewal processing while reducing administrative burdens and enhanced client satisfaction.

Can commercial insurance broker software integrate with other systems or platforms?

Yes, Agiliux Commercial seamlessly integrates with other systems and platforms, ensuring compatibility and efficiency in operations. Our system integrates with or customised insurance industry-specific CRM as well as core internal systems of the users. Furthermore, we can seamlessly integrate with external systems through native integration or via our external partner InsureMo to provide a comprehensive one-stop broking management solution.

How does commercial insurance broker software assist with claims processing?

Yes, Agiliux Commercial seamlessly integrates with other systems and platforms, ensuring compatibility and efficiency in operations. Our system integrates with or customised insurance industry-specific CRM as well as core internal systems of the users. Furthermore, we can seamlessly integrate with external systems through native integration or via our external partner InsureMo to provide a comprehensive one-stop broking management solution.

Is there training and support available for using commercial insurance broker software?

Yes, our team will be with you every step of the way. We provide a dedicated team to offer you optimum training and support so you can effectively utilise the platform. We include hand-on training along with support modules like onboarding sessions, user guides, video tutorials, and online documentation. Additionally, users can access ongoing technical support via phone, email, or live chat to troubleshoot issues and get assistance with software functionalities.

What security measures are in place to protect sensitive client data in commercial insurance broker software?

We implement robust security measures to safeguard sensitive client data. Leveraging Microsoft Azure Cloud, we ensure physical and network security with up-to-date certifications (SOC 2 Type II and ISO 27001). Network security controls include enterprise-grade firewalls and continuous monitoring for anomalies. Azure Web Application Firewall defends against malicious attacks, while continuous delivery practices ensure code integrity. Our regular vulnerability management, data privacy controls, and business continuity plans further enhance data protection and compliance.


What is reinsurance broker software?

Our reinsurance broker software is a specialised platform (part of the Agiliux Commercial) designed to assist reinsurance brokers in managing their operations effectively. It facilitates the placement of reinsurance contracts by providing features such as client management, policy administration, risk assessment, and analytics tools. The software streamlines communication with reinsurers, automates processes like underwriting and claims management, and offers insights into performance metrics, enabling brokers to optimise reinsurance arrangements efficiently.

How can reinsurance broker software enhance the operations of a reinsurance brokerage?

Reinsurance broker software enhances the operations of a reinsurance brokerage by streamlining communication with reinsurers, improving efficiency in placing reinsurance contracts, and automating key processes. It provides comprehensive analytics and reporting tools, enabling brokers to make data-driven decisions. The software enhances collaboration among team members, reduces manual errors, and increases productivity, ultimately leading to better risk management and profitability for the brokerage.

What are the key features to consider when selecting a reinsurance broker software?

Some of the classic features to look out for when selecting a reinsurance broker software include,

  • Comprehensive client and policy management tools
  • Efficient reinsurance contract placement and management
  • Automated underwriting and claims processing
  • Robust analytics and reporting capabilities
  • Integration with reinsurers and other systems
  • Customisation options to adapt to specific business needs
  • User-friendly interface and reliable customer support.

Can reinsurance broker software facilitate seamless communication and collaboration with reinsurers?

Yes, our reinsurance broking software facilitates seamless communication and collaboration with reinsurers. By centralising cedent, reinsurer, and reinsurance policy data, it ensures streamlined and secure data processing, offering greater control and accessibility.

How does reinsurance broker software assist with data analysis and risk assessment?

Our reinsurance broker software assists with data analysis and risk assessment by centralising cedent, reinsurer, and reinsurance policy data. This enables comprehensive data processing and seamless analysis, supporting efficient risk assessment. The platform’s dedicated modules facilitate detailed insights into diverse contracts, claim statuses, and various account types. With the ability to generate and analyse reports effortlessly, the software enhances data-driven decision-making and ensures brokers have a comprehensive understanding of risk exposure and market trends.

How does reinsurance broker software assist with data analysis and risk assessment?

Our reinsurance broker software assists with data analysis and risk assessment by centralising cedent, reinsurer, and reinsurance policy data. This enables comprehensive data processing and seamless analysis, supporting efficient risk assessment. The platform’s dedicated modules facilitate detailed insights into diverse contracts, claim statuses, and various account types. With the ability to generate and analyse reports effortlessly, the software enhances data-driven decision-making and ensures brokers have a comprehensive understanding of risk exposure and market trends.

Is reinsurance broker software capable of handling complex treaty and facultative reinsurance transactions?

Yes, our Reinsurance broking software, part of Agiliux Commercial, adeptly handles complex treaty and facultative reinsurance transactions. It efficiently manages diverse contracts, including proportional and non-proportional treaties, excess loss, and quota share arrangements. The platform supports both general insurance and life and health insurance, providing comprehensive contract management capabilities.

Can reinsurance broker software integrate with existing systems used by the brokerage?

Yes, Agiliux’s reinsurance broker software offers supreme integration capabilities with existing systems used by the brokerage enhancing workflow efficiency and data accessibility for reinsurance brokers.

What reporting and analytics capabilities does reinsurance broker software provide?

Reinsurance broker software like Agiliux provides robust reporting and analytics capabilities. It enables users to generate and analyse reports across multiple modules, offering insights into diverse financial transactions, claim statuses, and contract management activities. Brokers can view data in aggregated or drill-down formats and regulatory reports effortlessly empowering brokers to make informed decisions and optimise reinsurance strategies.

Is training and support available for using reinsurance broker software?

Yes, Agiliux offers training and support for using its reinsurance broker software. Users benefit from comprehensive onboarding sessions, user guides, and video tutorials to familiarise themselves with the platform. Additionally, Agiliux provides ongoing technical support via phone, email, or live chat to address any queries or issues promptly. Training and support ensure that brokers can effectively utilise the software’s features and maximise its benefits for their reinsurance operations.

How does reinsurance broker software ensure the security and confidentiality of sensitive reinsurance data?

Our reinsurance broker software ensures the security and confidentiality of sensitive reinsurance data through various measures. It leverages Microsoft Azure Cloud for robust physical and network security, with necessary certifications (SOC 2 Type II and ISO 27001) validating its infrastructure. Access is meticulously controlled both physically and electronically, while enterprise-grade firewalls and continuous monitoring tools govern network security. Agiliux also integrates Azure Web Application Firewall to defend against malicious attacks, ensuring comprehensive protection of sensitive data.

Retail Insurance

What is retail insurance broker software?

Retail insurance broker software is a specialised platform designed to assist insurance brokers operating in the retail sector. It streamlines various aspects of the insurance brokerage process, including client management, policy administration, quoting, claims processing, and reporting.

How can retail insurance broker software benefit my business?

Retail insurance broker software benefits your business by streamlining operations and enhancing client service. It facilitates efficient client and policy management, automates quoting and claims processing. This results in increased productivity, improved customer satisfaction, and compliance adherence.

What features should I look for in retail insurance broker software?

A sound retail insurance broker software should include these important features.
  • Comprehensive client management tools
  • Efficient policy management and quoting
  • Streamlined claims processing
  • Consolidated reporting and analytics
  • Compliance management features
  • Customisation options for business needs
  • User-friendly interfaces and mobile compatibility
  • Integration capabilities with other systems
  • Stringent data security measures
  • Reliable customer support

Can retail insurance broker software generate real-time quotes and policy documents?

Yes, retail insurance broker software excels at generating real-time quotes and policy documents. Integrated with insurance carriers via seamless APIs, the software ensures quick access to policy quotations, instant premium pricing, and on-the-fly policy document issuance.

Does retail insurance broker software provide analytics and reporting capabilities?

Yes, retail insurance broker software offers comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities. It empowers users to gain insights into sales data, commissions, and overall performance through real-time and customisable reports. The platform facilitates informed decision-making by providing consolidated and granular reports for in-depth analysis to optimise operations and drive business growth effectively.

How does retail insurance broker software assist with customer relationship management (CRM)?

Retail insurance broker software enhances customer relationship management (CRM) through its robust Customer Self-Service Portal. It enables users to access essential services, register queries, download policies securely, and initiate claims or endorsements with real-time tracking.

Can retail insurance broker software integrate with existing systems used by the brokerage?

Yes, Agiliux’s retail insurance broker software offers supreme integration capabilities with existing systems used by the brokerage enhancing workflow efficiency and data accessibility for reinsurance brokers.

What reporting and analytics capabilities does retail insurance broker software provide?

Retail insurance broker software like Agiliux provides robust reporting and analytics capabilities. It enables users to generate and analyse reports across multiple modules, offering insights into diverse financial transactions, claim statuses, and contract management activities. Brokers can view data in aggregated or drill-down formats and regulatory reports effortlessly empowering brokers to make informed decisions and optimise retail insurance strategies.

Is retail insurance broker software customisable to fit the specific needs of my brokerage?

Yes, retail insurance broker software has the ability to provides unparalleled customisability. Its SDKs, Sample Scripts, and API Documentation empower insurance brokers to tailor the platform to their unique requirements. This flexibility ensures a dynamic and user-friendly experience, allowing brokers to efficiently integrate, adapt, and enhance the software according to their specific needs, fostering optimal functionality and personalised workflows for each brokerage

How does retail insurance broker software ensure data security and compliance with industry regulations?

Retail insurance broker software prioritises data security and regulatory compliance. The platform integrates stringent security measures, including encryption protocols and access controls, to safeguard sensitive information. Furthermore, the software is compliant with industry regulations, ensuring compliance with data protection laws and standards. Regular audits and updates maintain the platform’s alignment with evolving regulatory requirements, providing insurance brokers with peace of mind regarding data security and regulatory compliance.