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Security Overview

Equipped with Robust Security and Data Privacy Features for Insurance Intermediaries

Security and Compliance

Multiple Integration Modes

Seamlessly connect with insurers through Native Integration, InsureMO for multiple insurer integration, and RPA integration for enhanced efficiency. Empower insurance intermediaries with versatile integration options.

Placement Services

Agiliux Solutions work well with all the leading ePlacement services like Whitespace, PPL and InsureMO to facilitate the digital exchange of information with the various marketplaces, like Lloyd’s.

Web application firewall

Web Application Firewall (WAF)

SoftSolvers integrates Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) to defend against malicious attacks targeting hosted products and customer sites. WAF rules align with OWASP guidelines, ensuring robust protection against threats. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) safeguards further enhance availability and accessibility of SoftSolvers’ products.

Continuous Delivery and Deployment

SoftSolvers adopts a modern continuous delivery approach, deploying code thousands of times daily. Rigorous code reviews, quality assurance, and automated deployment processes ensure seamless integration. Continuous monitoring, along with roll-back mechanisms, safeguards against deployment failures. Features are controlled based on customer preferences, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Vulnerability Management

Regular vulnerability scanning and penetration testing activities are conducted to identify and respond to emerging threats promptly. Daily scans assess internal networks, software, and organisational infrastructure, ensuring robust security measures. Vulnerability scanning and testing procedures align with industry best practices, mitigating potential risks effectively.

Data Privacy and Access Control

SoftSolvers prioritises customer data privacy, adhering to stringent security policies. Customers define the type of information collected and stored, ensuring compliance with regulations. Fine-grained permissions enable users to control access to data features based on role-based access controls. Data access is logged, and comprehensive audit trails track record modifications, enhancing transparency and accountability.

Data privacy and access control
Data privacy and access control

Data Privacy and Access Control

SoftSolvers prioritises customer data privacy, adhering to stringent security policies. Customers define the type of information collected and stored, ensuring compliance with regulations. Fine-grained permissions enable users to control access to data features based on role-based access controls. Data access is logged, and comprehensive audit trails track record modifications, enhancing transparency and accountability.

business continuity and disaster recovery

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

SoftSolvers maintains comprehensive business continuity and disaster recovery plans, focusing on preventing outages and ensuring rapid recovery in case of disruptions. Data is replicated and backed up in multiple durable data stores, with retention periods tailored to data nature. Robust backup mechanisms and infrastructure redundancy ensure responsive recovery and scalability.

Security Compliance and Monitoring

SoftSolvers enforces industry-standard corporate password policies and prohibits account sharing. Access is logged, and role-based access controls are implemented to manage permissions effectively. Internal systems automate security management and compliance activities, ensuring adherence to approved configurations and capturing compliance evidence seamlessly.

IP Restriction and Audit Trail

SoftSolvers provides IP restriction capabilities, allowing administrators to control access based on defined IP addresses. Comprehensive audit trails capture login history, record modifications, and value changes, enhancing security and accountability. Automated notifications ensure prompt communication of record updates to relevant stakeholders, fostering transparency and accountability.

IP restriction and audit trail
IP restriction and audit trail

IP Restriction and Audit Trail

SoftSolvers provides IP restriction capabilities, allowing administrators to control access based on defined IP addresses. Comprehensive audit trails capture login history, record modifications, and value changes, enhancing security and accountability. Automated notifications ensure prompt communication of record updates to relevant stakeholders, fostering transparency and accountability.